Although the search feature works well for the most part, sometimes, it may not show results as expected, use too much resources, or may stop working, and this when the Indexer Diagnostics app comes in handy. Indexer Diagnostics is an app from Microsoft that is available from the Microsoft Store, and it includes the necessary tools to troubleshoot and fix most common problems with Windows Search. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to troubleshoot and fix problems with the Windows Search feature on Windows 10 using the Indexer Diagnostics app.
How to fix problems with search on Windows 10
If you’re having issues using search on Windows 10, the Indexer Diagnostics app can help you understand the current configuration to start troubleshooting and fix problems with Windows Search.
Installing Indexer Diagnostics app
To install the Indexer Diagnostics app, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the app will install, and it’ll be accessible from the Start menu. Indexer Diagnostics app install
Checking status of Windows Search
If you’re not sure whether Windows Search is working, you can check the “Service status” page. To check if Windows Search is running, use these steps: In this page, you can see the total number of files that were indexed. The drives being scanned for new files. Outlook items, Microsoft Edge history items, and more importantly, if the feature is working, the Windows Search service status will read as “running.” Indexer Diagnostics search status check
Fixing problems with Windows Search
To resolve issues with Windows Search, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the search feature for Windows 10 should start working again on your device. Indexer Diagnostics fix search not working
Checking if file is index on search
To determine if a file is already index in the search database, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, you’ll have an understanding whether the file has been registered by Windows Search. Indexer Diagnostics verify indexed file
Confirming indexing locations
Sometimes a file or folder may not appear in search because its location is not registered as a location to scan files. To confirm all indexing locations, use these steps: After you complete the steps, you’ll understand what locations are being indexed, and how to add new paths to make other folder locations available for search. Indexer Diagnostics included and excluded locations
Troubleshooting performance issues with Windows Search
The diagnostics app also includes a tool to troubleshoot the performance of the search service. To troubleshoot performance settings with search, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the Windows Search performance should return to normal. Indexer Diagnostics fix high resources usage for Windows Search All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.