If you signed in to Facebook this morning, you may have noticed that it looks a little bit different. The top bar now is fixed to the top, inline photos are a little bit bigger, an improved news feed, and the news ticker now is located in the upper-right corner for real-time updates. Too many changes in one day? Don’t sweat it, let’s do a walk through. In the big list of updates that’s been happening for a few weeks, so far you know that you can subscribe to your friends’ updates as you would in any other RSS feed, you can even subscribe to people who are not your friends, organize your friends by types, additionally, Facebook gave you more control over who sees what’s in your wall. All of these new changes and added features is a try to make the biggest social network service more like if it was a new thing. Keep reading to see what’s new in Facebook:

News Feed

Facebook sees News Feed as if it was your personal newspaper. In the feed you will always have recent updates, but it would probably be from those people profiles you interact the most and the kind of updates you will be interested in. Facebook is also introducing and new concept of top stories, which now are the posts with a flag at the left-hand corner — also important to say that those posts will stay in your feed for a longer period of time. And this is great for users that use the service everyday, as well as for those people who haven’t visited their profile for a while, because Facebook will always know what and how to present the content that the user care the most.

News Ticker

News Ticker is a new Facebook way to bring real-time interaction with your friends. You will now be able to see and chat with your friends about articles, photos, and other interesting stuff. In the same way now when a friend comments, share something like a location, or asks a question, you can jump in to the conversation right away. This is part of the content that you already see in your wall, and you may be wondering: don’t we already have a feed? Of course, but there is a good chance that in the future Facebook may change the way things are displayed in each feed.


Did you noticed that now the photos-thumbnails are huge? Now, when you upload or you are tagged in more than one photo, it will be displayed in a new stylish, multi-tile panel — if you look closely it looks like the new Metro style in Windows 8 and like the up coming XBOX360 dashboard update –. Good one Facebook!


Do you want to know what other people are posting on Facebook, but you don’t want to befriend them? Then just subscribe to their feed. Friends will still be able to see who you are following (like in Twitter), so you wouldn’t use this to stalk someone. This is a good feature for those users who like to be open about their life without being friends with everyone.

Friends Lists

Last, but not least, is the new Facebook feature Friends Lists. The company has been trying in the past and now this grouping feature is more useful than before. In a really simple way you can send updates to only one or more groups without broadcasting to all. Pretty much like Google+ circles.

Here is a video that walks you through what’s new in Facebook

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